NOTICE: The Town of North East Justice Court has reopened to in-person court sessions. Please read below for general instructions about the Court’s operations.
North East Town Court
19 North Maple Avenue
P.O. Box 516
Millerton, NY 12546
Court Justices
Hon. Casey McCabe
Hon. Dennis Johnson
Clerk to the Justices
Matthew Kreta
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday 9-12:30 and 1-2PM, Fridays 9-noon
Phone: 518-789-3300 x 604
Court Fax: 518-789-9530
The Town of North East Justice Court, located within the North East Town Hall located at 19 North Maple Avenue, Millerton, NY 12546, handles both civil and criminal cases arising within the Town of North East and the Village of Millerton, New York.
Until further notice, regular court sessions are being held on the following days and times each month:
Second Tuesday of every month: This session starts at 6:30 P.M. and is generally reserved for vehicle & traffic matters.
Third Tuesday of every month: This session starts at 7:00 P.M. and is generally reserved for civil/small claims/landlord-tenant matters and specially set hearings.
Fourth Tuesday of every month: This session is generally reserved for criminal matters and begins at 4:30 P.M. for Judge Johnson’s criminal case calendar and 6:00 P.M. for Judge McCabe’s criminal case calendar.
If you have received a traffic summons or appearance ticket for dates and/or times outside those listed above, please contact the Court Clerk for instructions.
General Information
How to respond to a traffic ticket:
If you have been issued a traffic ticket, the Court must receive your plea of guilty or not guilty to the charge(s). (For further information about entering your plea, please refer to Individuals charged with traffic infractions pending in the North East Town Court). You need not physically appear in Court to enter your plea. Simply enter your plea on the ticket(s) you were issued and either mail or email the signed ticket(s) to the court using the contact information above.
For general information related to entering a plea, please see:
If you plead guilty: One of the judges will assess a fine and mandatory surcharge and you will be notified of the amount due by mail or email. You will have thirty days to pay the amount assessed. If you are unable to pay your fine and surcharge within this time, you may be qualified for an installment plan. For further information visit:
If you plead not guilty: You will receive a letter from the Court directing, you to engage in a conference with the special prosecutor. This conference is typically held on the second Tuesday of a given month. If you are unable to reach an agreement with the special prosecutor regarding the disposition of your charges, your case will set down for trial at a date and time determined by the Court.
How to respond to an appearance ticket in a criminal matter:
If you have been issued an appearance ticket with regard to a criminal matter (i.e. a misdemeanor or felony), please contact the Court Clerk as soon as possible by phone or email listed above. Your court date will be confirmed and you will be given information about how to qualify for the services of the Dutchess County Public Defender’s Office Public Defender Sheet(English) Public Defender Sheet(Spanish). The Court Clerk will also request your preferred method of contact (phone, text, email, regular mail) so that you can receive automatic reminders about future court appearances.
Appearing in Court
If you are feeling unwell or exhibiting any symptoms of Covid-19, contact the Court Clerk immediately for instructions. DO NOT COME TO THE COURTHOUSE. Upon arrival, you will be required to check-in with the court security officer. Prior to entry, you will be screened by the officer and then subjected to a magnetometer. As there are many cases heard during each session, please be sure to arrive promptly and dress appropriately for the weather.
1. You must wear a mask in the courthouse if you have:
- Left isolation within the past 5 days after recovering from Covid; or
- Had close contact with a person testing positive for Covid with in the past 10 days.
2. The Mask must be N-a5, KN-95, KF-94 or equivalent.
How to commence a civil, small claim or summary proceeding (eviction):
All matters will proceed as normal. To file, please mail or deliver documents to the Court Clerk.
General Resources:
NYS court system self-help online forms landlord tenant
How to submit papers and pay fines, surcharges and fees:
You need not come to court to remit payment or file papers with the Court. Fines, surcharges and fees may be paid by cash (in person only and in exact amount), money order, personal check or Mastercard/Visa. All payments may be mailed to the Court or made on-line by credit card at ( All original papers to be filed with the Court may be sent by mail or email. If you must come to the Court, the Court Clerk’s hours listed above.